Sunday 8 March 2009

Lit Assignment 8

In my country (Singapore), many people think that the females are underprivileged. They keep going on and on about the what no jobs, no freedom, no whatever blahblahblah. But in this post, I am going to explain this thing from my point of view.

Nowadays, most women say them doing housework is so not fair, very hard you know! And all that rubbish. Uhhh... very hard right? Why not go and switch places with your husband and lets see how you like it.

Okay. I'll give a run-down on what the daily schedule of most people:

Female: wake up at 8. Brush teeth. Clean the house. Cook or buy from downstairs. Clean a bit more. Snack. Go to the spa for some slimming trash. Eat after you come home. Make a quick dinner. Sleep.

Male: Wake up at 5 am. Quickly brush teeth, get a car, and go to work. Get the briefing for today. Get to your cubicle as fast as you can. Workworkwork. Have a really fast sandwich for lunch. Rushrushrush. Workworkwork. Hand up the project and cost estimates and the like. Run back to your cubicle. Write a report. Hand it up, while mentally calculating the work costs and balancing the risk of marketing in an open market and whatever. Go back home drained at 8 pm. eat the dinner. Sleep and get ready for another round TOMORROW!

(That is just a very small example. I may have missed out a few things though. )

Also, some women complain that cleaning the house is very dirty, yuck, got lizard sh** all over the place...bed so hard...stuff so heavy...go market must go there half a km you know!! Come back also have to carry 5kg of stuff. Haiyah, so hard. For five days in a row and only got two days break!!

Take a look at our NS, for example...Everyday do pushups, chinups, march and drill in the sun, sleep on really uncomfortable beds, toilet is dirtier than the garbage bin, everyday must polish everything until it is shiny, then the next day dirty everything again because of that 30km trek through the big fat muddy dark wild overgrown scary dirty and just plain horrible forest carrying a 15 kg bag for 24 hours. For 2 and a half years you know!! No break okay!

On average, most women have 3 pairs of leather high-heeled shoes, two pairs of slippers, two pairs of absolutely unused running shoes and countless socks. They also carry an $8000 dollar handbag with a $5500 wallet containing about $12.50. They also splurge on the latest fashion and attend 'birthday parties' or whatever excuse they can think of to go to the restaurant and go and eat the caviar that they actually don't like.

On average, men have one pair of work shoes, one half bottle of polish left over from NS, one pair of slippers and maybe one pair of sandals. They carry a $50 dollar synthetic leather bag to work, where they earn $2000 a month. They use every excuse they can think of to avoid going to restaurants to save money.

Furthermore, when a couple divorces, usually due to the wife spending too much and not doing anything but spend, spend, spend, the husband still has to give half the pay to the wife, who can now go and live the rest of her life in comfort without doing anything.

I think that a rule should be passed to make women less lazy and make them save a bit more, and that when a couple divorces they just divorce and there is no penalty or whatever.

Whew! 608 words.

Edit: Oh.....not to forget....

The international Women's day was created in 1909(today) and is celebrated all over the world. The International MEN'S DAY was created in 1999 and it is only celebrated in TRINIDAD(wherever that is). Is that unfair or what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Whew again! 659 words! Far past the minimum.

Sunday 1 March 2009

Alternative Ending to Nothing But The Truth Part 1

Miss Narwin: I'm...I'm calling from the airport now. I'm going to Florida. To be with my sister. And her husband.
Mr. Duval: You've resigned, then.
Miss Narwin: Yes, but...give me a moment...there's an announcement regarding my flight...
Mr Duval: Yes? I think - Excuse me, I'm being called...(hangs up)
Miss Narwin: The flight is cancelled! The airport staff refuse to fly me anywhere! Hello? Hello?
8:05 PM Philip Malloy's Diary
I felt horrible today. Got rejected by Washington Academy. Something about not wanting reporters coming in to interview me every other day.
Mother says her sister will let me go to the district school in Conover. Don't feel like it. But I don't think I can stay at Harrison for much longer. All the kids there hate me! They say something about me betraying everyone.
This is the worst day of my life...
From a letter written by Margaret Narwin to her sister, Anita Wigham
...I felt horrible today. The New Hampshire Air Service refused to fly me to Florida. Something about not wanting critics bombing down the plane or something.
Joe Palleni offered me back my job. Don't feel like it. I don't think I can stay at Harrison for much longer. All the staff there hate me! They say something about me betraying everyone.
This is the worst day of my life...
8:25 AM Conversation between Philip Malloy and his parents
Philip Malloy: What's up?
Mrs Malloy: Pack up. We're going to Conover.
Philip Malloy: Conover?
Mrs Malloy: Yes. You are going to Conover to join my sister. We have decided, and this decision is final. No complaining.
Philip Malloy: But -
Mr Malloy: No complaining!
Philip Malloy: But -
Mrs Malloy: No complaining!
8:26 AM Phone Conversation between Margaret Narwin and Anita Wigham
Miss Narwin: Hello? Can I speak to Anita Wigham?
Anita Wigham: Speaking. Is that Peg?
Miss Narwin: Yes. I have a bit of a situation here. I don't have a job! Everyone is sending hate mail! And worst of all, I have no idea what to do! What should I do now?
Anita Wigham: I don't know...
Miss Narwin: I can't go to Florida! The Air service was on strike!
Anita Wigham: I sent me a letter, remember?
Miss Narwin: Yes...
Anita Wigham: I think you should just go back to Harrison. Maybe that, or the Washington Academy.
Miss Narwin: I can't go back to Harrison...And the Washington Academy...I've tried...
Anita Wigham: Any other schools in the district?
Miss Narwin: Yes, but...
Anita Wigham: Try it.
Miss Narwin: OK. I will. Goodbye.
Anita Wigham: Goodbye.

Lit Assignment 7

Q: Describe how people in your country are doing their part to save the environment.
A: People in Singapore are now saving the environment more than previously. Nowadays, due to the economical crisis, people from Singapore are more likely to try and save the environment, by recycling. Because recycling saves money, more and more people are recycling. Some reuse plastic bags, some use cheaper alternatives, and so on.
Also, the government is trying to promote recycling. As recycling means less work for everyone, the government is trying to promote this now so that in the future we would be able to recycle without there being a economical crisis.