Sunday 1 March 2009

Alternative Ending to Nothing But The Truth Part 1

Miss Narwin: I'm...I'm calling from the airport now. I'm going to Florida. To be with my sister. And her husband.
Mr. Duval: You've resigned, then.
Miss Narwin: Yes, but...give me a moment...there's an announcement regarding my flight...
Mr Duval: Yes? I think - Excuse me, I'm being called...(hangs up)
Miss Narwin: The flight is cancelled! The airport staff refuse to fly me anywhere! Hello? Hello?
8:05 PM Philip Malloy's Diary
I felt horrible today. Got rejected by Washington Academy. Something about not wanting reporters coming in to interview me every other day.
Mother says her sister will let me go to the district school in Conover. Don't feel like it. But I don't think I can stay at Harrison for much longer. All the kids there hate me! They say something about me betraying everyone.
This is the worst day of my life...
From a letter written by Margaret Narwin to her sister, Anita Wigham
...I felt horrible today. The New Hampshire Air Service refused to fly me to Florida. Something about not wanting critics bombing down the plane or something.
Joe Palleni offered me back my job. Don't feel like it. I don't think I can stay at Harrison for much longer. All the staff there hate me! They say something about me betraying everyone.
This is the worst day of my life...
8:25 AM Conversation between Philip Malloy and his parents
Philip Malloy: What's up?
Mrs Malloy: Pack up. We're going to Conover.
Philip Malloy: Conover?
Mrs Malloy: Yes. You are going to Conover to join my sister. We have decided, and this decision is final. No complaining.
Philip Malloy: But -
Mr Malloy: No complaining!
Philip Malloy: But -
Mrs Malloy: No complaining!
8:26 AM Phone Conversation between Margaret Narwin and Anita Wigham
Miss Narwin: Hello? Can I speak to Anita Wigham?
Anita Wigham: Speaking. Is that Peg?
Miss Narwin: Yes. I have a bit of a situation here. I don't have a job! Everyone is sending hate mail! And worst of all, I have no idea what to do! What should I do now?
Anita Wigham: I don't know...
Miss Narwin: I can't go to Florida! The Air service was on strike!
Anita Wigham: I sent me a letter, remember?
Miss Narwin: Yes...
Anita Wigham: I think you should just go back to Harrison. Maybe that, or the Washington Academy.
Miss Narwin: I can't go back to Harrison...And the Washington Academy...I've tried...
Anita Wigham: Any other schools in the district?
Miss Narwin: Yes, but...
Anita Wigham: Try it.
Miss Narwin: OK. I will. Goodbye.
Anita Wigham: Goodbye.

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