Friday 10 April 2009

Lit assignment 10 Version 3

Q: Imagine the chaotic scene of the aftermath of a natural disaster. How would it be like? In what ways could a natural disaster affect a country and its citizens? Describe such an imaginary scenario. You can be as creative as possible on the possible impact.

(As creative as possible eh? They asked for it.)

Dr Famous's diary
9/5/2955 Monday
(Otherwise known as Disaster day -2)

Today was absolutely normal. My friend, Dr Not-So-Famous-But-Still-Quite-Famous has invented a new device that can detect earthquakes 2 months in advance! I have persuaded him to include my name in the patent and soon we will be rich! All the countries will want one! And we're not going to sell it cheap. It's going to cost them ten billion US dollars. But hey, it's going to save them a lot more than that! Especially since now the world population has increased slightly to seven hundred billion people. I still remember when I was in primary school and they told us that in the year about 2010 that the world population was about one percent of the current! And also, humans lived for seventy years! I wonder how they even managed to get anything done without living for 150 years... And also, the tallest building was the Burj Dubai was a mere 818 metres! Pfft! My house is bigger than that. Anyway, my brain is tired from thinking this out (Can you believe it, last time people actually manually typed this kind of thing out instead if using a mind-synthesiser to think it out! Unbelievable!) so I'll just go to bed now.

Dr Famous's diary
10/5/2995 Tuesday
Disaster day -1

Little bit of trouble today. Today us prestigious scientists noticed that something exploded on Mars today. Must be the Martians up to something strange again, or Olympus Mons (You know, that huge volcano on Mars that was thought extinct until the attempted Mars colonisation in 2519. Then the human probe was destroyed by a little puff of martian lava. Ow. ) acting up again. It would be quite bad, you know, what with almost five hundred million years of pressure exploding out of that thing. The martians look quite cute, you know, with their little red-heads and their tentacles and all those exotic diseases they have back on their planet... Yuck. Oh well. We just have to make sure we aren't hit by any of the debris of that explosion. Or the bullet of that shot, if it was a shot and not an eruption. The Martians are going to get it if they start sending those little capsules along containing some Martians and try to invade us again! (For the full story read War Of The Worlds, that true story written by George H. G. Wells oh so long ago. What, the nineteenth century? At least now we're more prepared. Heat rays for goodness sake. How useless. ) At any rate, if the things are going to hit us it will hit tomorrow. Not that there's much chance of that happening, I mean how unlucky can we get? We've escaped bigger meteorites than this. And Dr Not-So-Famous-But-Still-Quite-Famous's earthquake sensor thing is going crazy but there is no plate movement. Not at all. Must be something wrong with the stupid program. Remind me to make sure he eliminates that bug before I eliminate him.

Dr Famous's diary

11/5/2009 Wednesday

Disaster day 0

The meteorite has hit us. There was no glitch in Dr Not-So-Famous-But-Still-Quite-Famous's earthquake sensor thing. It was working perfectly alright, if not better than ever expected. It was a warning of what was going to happen, and we were too ignorant to notice it. The meteorite was not launched by the Martians, in fact, it has almost wiped them out. And us too, perhaps, if we do not act quickly. And, the meteorite is the biggest ever recorded! It is made up of a quarter of Mars as the planet was split in half due to the half a billion years of pressure from the volcano build-up. This has actually happened before long ago in about ten billion BC, although not this bad, even if it did cause the Valles Marineris Canyon (The largest canyon in the 3 solar systems: the Home, the Einsteinus and the Scooby-Doo) and the largest impact crater in the northern hemisphere of Mars was also caused by this. The material from the crater was blasted into space and it was broken into eight parts: One, the largest, hit the Earth, and kicked up all that rock that created the moon, and that is why moon soil is not the same as Earth soil. Luckily the the rock from Mars replenished the stuff that was thrown up into space, and that's where we got uranium. It was spread all over the world due to the Pangaea movement, but as you can see in some places there is a serious lot of that stuff like Northern CK (The Combined Korea), previously known as North Korea when Kim Jong Bee launched the forty nuclear bombs all over the world in 2032. The DA (Democrat America) led by Carack Obama, also known as US, used mega-electro-magneti-kineti-synthesiser-powered redirectors and focusers to trap and focus the blast right back onto Kim Jong Bee's doorstep and eradicated the Northern CK completely. Now, the country is recovering thanks to Southern CK helping with the recovery effort.

Anyway, a few million years later, after the new moon was settled, one more big debris piece hit the moon and made the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the moon and made it spin so funnily with only one side facing the earth at any one time. It isn't moving exactly the same but there has been a shift of about twenty kilometres since 1955.

Now I'll just enter the details down below in the space just in case I ever forget this moment.

0314 Meteorite enters earth atmosphere, having travelled at approximately 1/8 light speed.

0315 Meteorite hits earth at -3 Greenwich and 22 degrees north of equator in Atlantic ocean. Heats water to about 9000 degrees Kelvin.

0316-0437 Earthquake of 9.4872 on Richter scale over north and south DA and over Afrosia(Previously known as Africa).

0458 Tidal wave over Afrosia, both DA continents and ゅろぱ ,Yuropa (Previously known as Europe before Japanese took over Yuropa.

Dr Famous's Diary

12/5/2955 Thursday

Disaster day +1

Okay. The world is recovering from this incredible tragedy. The southern DA has been almost completely obliterated by the tidal tsunamis and the earthquakes. And when you add the fact that the tsunamis are boiling hot and the water around it has broken the boiling point and changed from liquid directly into plasma and mixed with the water and caused superheated liquid tsunamis, you can imagine the devastation. Everything reduced to strips of metal or charred and dripping wood, melted and hissing plastic sheets covering the remains of towering sky-cities, previously hovering aircraft lying on the ground smouldering, the anti-matter batteries exploding everywhere... Terrible! I wish I could do something to help. I think I will try to organise help and stuff for the victims in the DA kingdom and maybe travel there myself and help them. I think this may cause a global recession because of the lack of food and natural resources and things like that. Also Yuropa may need some help as Spain and Paris are now submerged and also, now water levels all over the world has increased by more than 7.5 metres! That gives an idea on how big the meteorite is.

The results of the destruction is shown below,

People are homeless because the sky-cities(Previously known as skyscrapers)have been destroyed and melted.

People have no money to buy things because those that survived (less than 0.075%) are hardly breadwinners and also they did not have any warning of the quake and so did not have any time to gather belongings.

People are falling ill all of a sudden. This may be due to the fact that everything is wet and due to the original 'splashdown' there was a lot of evaporated water and so now it is raining very heavily over the affected areas. Also, there was recently a flu epidemic and anyway there are no doctors open right now. All are either dead or injured or their facilities and resources have been destroyed.

People are in trauma as the survival rate has been very low and there are barely any people who survived without any major injuries. Even two broken arms is considered very lucky indeed.

Dr Famous's Diary

13/5/2955 Friday

Disaster day +2

Today is the Friday the thirteenth. Friday the thirteenth indeed. The unearthly unlucky day. Very, very unlucky, for the entire mankind.

Remember yesterday? When I said that many people were falling sick due to the humidity? Because of the recent epidemic?

That wasn't very accurate, after all.

Now we know the truth. The inconvenient truth. As made famous by El Gore so long ago.

The Disease is from Mars. When the meteorite came down the virus was released from the outer 'skin layer' of the meteorite. To humans, it is like a normal flu virus in the start. The start. Which is the first day only. Now, survivors of the first disaster are now dead and dying of this terrible disease. This disease will give the victim one Martian day(24.622 hours) to spread the disease then it will kill the victim by rapid brain hemorrhage. The worst thing is, every breath the victim breathes out is infected with the virus! The virus is an unknown type, never seen before as evolution had obviously taken a different path on Mars. No antibiotic works. The virus reproduces by releasing its weight of spores out into the air every second. Each virus cell produces ten thousand spores a second. And the spores take ten seconds to grow to full size and start reproducing too. And once the bug has attached itself to that wisp of air, it never lets go but instead of becoming diluted it just increases in size by spreading the virus to another lot of air. And once a human breathes in that gas, it's over.

How to stop it? We humans are clueless. Absolutely clueless. We would have tried to ask the martians if not for that confounded Martian volcano blowing up again and now all the Martians are dead and another bit of Mars is coming this way again! And since the first impact, the Earth's orbit has been greatly affected so we cannot tell if our planet is going to be hit. Most likely not. We should have altered the martian rock from hitting Earth in the first place. We have to thank the politicians for that. Those politicians are hoarding their already enormous funds for the next election while not doing anyhing about the crisis! They think that they are not affected yet by the virus! Huh! They'll get it first.

Dr Famous's Diary

14/5/2955 Saturday

Disaster Day +3

Today is the worst day of my life. So far, more than 500,000 people have died from this confounded virus and more than 10 times of that are suspected to have the disease! And more are getting infected by the second! Also, we have discovered by running simulations that the martians were the ones who caused this atrocious catastrophy. From the remains of the meteorite and the satellite images and material scans and carbon dating, we have run a simulation and discovered that the martians had blocked up the Olympus Mons crater for more than half a billion years. Why they did this is still a mystery. It is a known fact, however, that the martians lived underground, so according to our hypothesis, we think that half a billion years ago, Olympus Mons was erupting and pouring out the lava like a lava fountain, there were many cases of the lava sealing up the entrances of their homes and so a lot of martians died. To counteract this, the martians decided to let their race live for another 500 million years instead of dying straightaway. (At that time there was no SupaFreez to freeze up the lava. And when SupaFreez was invented about 69.4 million years later, the martians feared that the pressure had already become too great to open up the blocker. And sure enough, they tried. That resulted in the a big explosion, and thus carved the Valles Marineris Canyon and that large impact crater in the northern hemisphere. Thus, it made our current moon. The Martians probably didn't dare to try it again. The SupaFreez also did not work that time as the lava overflowed and re-melted the SupaFreezed lava and a few martians too.
Dr Famous's Diary
15/5/2955 Sunday
Disaster day +4
The disease is taking its toll now. A third of the population has been killed and the rest are confirmed to have the disease. There is no chance that anyone will survive, unless there is some miracle.
Anyway, I'm going to make this short: I've caught the disease. Two hours ago, I started having a slight fever and so on. Flu symptoms. Uh oh. Not good at all. So I have an estimated 22.622 hours left.
I'm not sure if this virus has a cure. We have checked the martian medical record ebook and discovered that this disease also was a plague to them. Apparently, Even after you catch it, you can catch it again. The virus mutates a lot. Oh well. Not much else to say. No much of a mood.
Anyway, I think I'll go to McDonald's. Very unhealthy, but who cares about unhealthy if you have 22 hours to live? Not me, that's for sure. I think I'll organise a party at McDonald's. See you there.
Dr Famous's Diary
Disaster day +5

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