Friday 20 February 2009

Lit assignment 6

Q: you are an Indian politician who is very much against the sale of organs illegally, especially toward the unscrupulous doctors who removed peoples organs without their consent. you strongly believe that the government plays a important part in ensuring that such criminals are punished, which serves as a severe deterrent. Draft a speech you are going to make at the legislature meeting.

A: Hello. I am an Indian politician from India. I am going to talk about why criminals are supposed to be punished. I think that people who harvest other peoples organs are very evil. Lets say i go to your house, steal your computers and then I run away very fast and the only thing I give you is a lot of broken wires and a big hole in the wall. would you like that??

Government, the fact that you are not doing anything and sitting around there and doing nothing helps so much, thank you. NOT! I think you should implement a law that says anyone who harvests or willingly donated their organs should get a fine and jail for 5 years in solitary.

thank you for listening or reading and have a good day.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Lit Assignment 5

Blog Prompt
Q: you are a student activist for animal preservation. You strongly believe that animals should not be hunted for their body parts as medicinal ingredients. Draft a speech which you are going to make at a public forum on preventing cruelty to animals.

A: Hello! I am a student activist for the preservation of animals. I believe that animals should not be hunted for their body parts as that is very cruel. If I go up to you with a knife when you are in your house minding your own buisness, then I tell you, "Hey, I am going to kill you, then I will cut you up, pull out your intestines and then put you in the freezer so I can eat you later!" then before you reply I stab you and pull out your intestines and whatever. If I did that, it would not be classified as 'hunting for body parts for medicinal ingredients' , it would be classified as MURDER!!
If we can kill so many animals for body parts to use in medicines and the body parts had no medicinal properties at all, why are we killing the animals? They aren't doing anything wrong, they arent killing us, why are we killing them?
So I say, stop killing animals and SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!!!!

Saturday 7 February 2009

Lit. Assignment 4

Blog Prompt:
Q: A recent nationwide survey done in Singapore has revealed that primary school students have a nonchalant attitude towards environmental issues. You are the president of the Activists' Club in Singapore and have been invited to make a speech to educate the young ones to make a difference in their lifestyle and choices.

A: Good morning everybody. I am the president of the Activists' Club of Singapore and today I am going to give you a speech on environmental issues.
You may be thinking, why should I care about the environment, the adults should be taking care of the environment, and we should spend our time learning the ABC and the 123 so next time you will have a job and become rich and all that. OK, listen up. There might not be a next time if you don't act NOW, and after you save the environment you will still have time, enough to learn your ABC and 123 and maybe even 一二三. Are you convinced now?

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Lit Assignment 3

Blog Prompt:
Imagine...As you walk down the street, you glance at your watch. It reads 2.00. Suddenly your stomach grumbles and attracts the attention of a few other people. Looking embarassed, you quickly spy a hawker centre. you immediately dash towards it. you select a stall(Char Kway Teow) and buy a plate of... Char Kway Teow!(What a surprise!) Tasting it, you can feel the tender noodles in your mouth, taste the take a sip. Ahhh...the sweet taste of monosodium glutemate...
BUT... Is this good for you?
If salt destroys your kidneys (which filters your blood of impurities) and monosodium glutemate corrupts your liver(which rids your body of most poisons in small amounts), why are we consuming it???
If spring onion, ginko nut, brocolli, asparagus, and other assorted vegetables are good for you, why does almost no one like it?
If humans like stuff that are poisons to us and shun food that is beneficial, I wonder how our health will be like in 30 years?

Lit Assignment 2

Blog prompt: The XXX company PTE LTD has just invented a new machine to help learning in the classroom! This invention will replace all conventional learning methods and revolutionize learning, and best of all, get rid of the teachers! If you are a teacher, don't woorry, you will still have a job, repairing the machine! The new machine is a hologram projection , which will be shaped like a cylinder. The student will have to step onto the platform before a designated time, then at that time, the hologram will emerge and surround the student. The hologram will act like a computer. there will be internet and word and memory space... just like a computer! To 'click', the user will simply touch the hologram. All users will also have to wear a tag. the tag will measure their heart rate and sweat levels and brain activities. This is to monitor if the student is thinking properly. If the brain activity increases along with information that the student has just opened a test file, it will be documented as normal. If the sensor leaves the range of the hologram, the student will be documented as 'Escaped' so an alarm will sound.