Saturday 14 February 2009

Lit Assignment 5

Blog Prompt
Q: you are a student activist for animal preservation. You strongly believe that animals should not be hunted for their body parts as medicinal ingredients. Draft a speech which you are going to make at a public forum on preventing cruelty to animals.

A: Hello! I am a student activist for the preservation of animals. I believe that animals should not be hunted for their body parts as that is very cruel. If I go up to you with a knife when you are in your house minding your own buisness, then I tell you, "Hey, I am going to kill you, then I will cut you up, pull out your intestines and then put you in the freezer so I can eat you later!" then before you reply I stab you and pull out your intestines and whatever. If I did that, it would not be classified as 'hunting for body parts for medicinal ingredients' , it would be classified as MURDER!!
If we can kill so many animals for body parts to use in medicines and the body parts had no medicinal properties at all, why are we killing the animals? They aren't doing anything wrong, they arent killing us, why are we killing them?
So I say, stop killing animals and SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!!!!

1 comment:

Bryan Lye said...

you are very right. if this continuus, even ants maight be extinct! killing animals is curel.what cheng jie said is true. i certainly would not like to be bronght away from my home to be slaughtered and be sold in the market. what is wrong with these people. if so many people can resist hunting wild animals, why can't other poachers or huters. if they want to hunt, i suggest that they have a farm to breed animals and asign certain days to allow shooting of the bred animals, this way, the wild animals are protected and hunters or poachers can keep hunting.(by the way, the farm must let the people bring back the dead amimals.