Wednesday 19 August 2009

Assignment 2: Article Review

Now for something that isn't that fun but still interesting...


A summary of the article:
French Justice Minister Michele Alliot-Marie has put into place a few extra measures to reduce suicides in prison, such as paper pyjamas, non-tearable sheets and non-flamable mattresses among others, to reduce the chance of hangings and burnings.
Florence Aubenas, head of prison rights group Observatoire International des Prisons, told France Info radio that although this was for the prisoners' good, it was against human rights.
The French President, Nicholas Sarkozy also said that the state of the prisons was a 'disgrace'.
196 people have died since last year.

My views:

I feel that the whole thing is avoidable.
If the prisoners had better facilities they would not want to commit suicide. If they had been been allowed some free time to excercise or read or learn, they might not have decided that their life was not worth it and they would have focused on reforming and turning over a new leaf.

So, I feel that the jailors should not attempt to just stuff the prisoners into a jail cell and leave them there to rot, and maybe even cram four or five into one cell and leave them to fight out who should have the beds in the cell. I feel that they should start an educational program so that the prisoners can continue their education without the influence of peer pressure. This also gives the additional benefit of giving them time to repent and face their problems, all of which contribute to the mental well-being of the prisoner. Furthermore, the prisoners may become more well-behaved because they are too engrossed in studying or learning to fight with prisonmates.

Also, the hype about spending money to make non-tearable sheets and things like that are just useless, as the non-tearable sheets may be used for a prison escape out of a window. Althought the matresses are non-flamable, I'm sure the paper pyjamas are. And surely the prisoner can suffocate himself in the non-flamable matress and hang himself with the non-tearable sheet, right? So, my suggestion for this bit is to just spend the money to make a more comfortable environment for the prisoner to stay in, with a maximum of 2 people to a cell and just remove all the things from the ceiling save the lightbulb. If the guy wants to hang himself he has to find somewhere to hang the rope first, so just get rid of it! And also fix the mattress to the bed or floor to reduce suffocations and bar the windows to prevent any escapes from that front. If the prisoner wants to bite his wrist until he ruptures the artery and bleed to death, that's his problem. (I haven't thought of a way around that yet so...)

I am sure these suggestions are much more efficient and perhaps cheaper in the long run. (After all, paper pyjamas will have to be thrown away, which is such a waste. )

Phew! at least 200 words...I hope?

Assignment Part 1: Favourite Food

Ok... this blog article is to talk about my favourite food.

My favourite food is not one that can be bought in whole from many shops (actually I have yet to find a shop that sells this; if you find one let me know =P) but it is better to buy half and cook half and then reheat the lot. And the soup.

Basically, my favourite food is some fried rice and some deep-fried chicken popcorn mixed in (the fried rice can be bought from the hawker centre near my house and the chicken popcorn can be cooked or from KFC) mixed with a lot of Japanese mildly hot curry(which can only be purchased at Giant). As the fried rice is a little dry, and the curry very thick, it tends to stick in your throat and cause you to choke so I suggest you get some Campbell Cream of Chicken or Mushroom to wash it down regularly(i.e. every three mouthfuls.) None of the other Campbell soups work as well as the Chicken or Mushroom (Actually ABC soup is the best but it's a little bit childish not to mention watery and tasteless) so just pop down to a supermarket like Sheng Siong or Shop n Save or a hypermarket like Giant (recommended for all purchases in this recipe) to purchase it.

The whole meal tastes a little spicy and very thick and crunchy. Not at all sour and a little sweet and VERY SALTY.

Steps if you want to consume this weirdly delicious meal:
1: Buy the Campbell soup of your choice
2: Buy a packet of mildly hot Japanese curry from Giant
3: Get some KFC popcorn chicken
4: Get the fried rice
5: Boil some water and while waiting, warm up the oven or microwave
6; Open the Campbell soup and curry
7: Chuck them in two separate pots
8: Turn on the gas and cook, and heat up the popcorn chicken and rice at the same time. The microwaving should be for about 5 minutes. The soup and the cury should take about the same time. (Did I say it was instant curry? I hope you read this before buying the stuff. Oops. Too late =D)
9: Get everything out of their respective pots/wok/microwave/oven/bowl/can/dog dinner dish
and slap it all in a plate(except the soup: put that is a separate bowl).
10: Get two spoons and a fork. Put one spoon and one fork and put it in the plate or wherever the rice is and put a separate spoon in the soup bowl ( You don't want to contaminate the soup).
11: Start to eat.

Final word of advice: If you try this and you have diarrhoea or constipation or just think it tastes disgusting or weird, do not try making it again. I can eat it because I have 1: a strong stomach and 2: a mutated tongue, so don't blame me or my recipe. Blame your DNA. OK?

I'm quite sure this is more than 200 words, so I suppose I'm done then.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Elearning lesson 2

Did you know that Robert Frost, the most celebrated poet in America, won four Pulitzer prizes? He got them from writing...guess what - poems! What else?

Robert Frost was also astonishingly lyrical, as seen in the short poem:

Nothing Gold Can Stay

by Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost's work was principally associated with the life and landscape of New England, and though he was a poet of traditional verse forms and metrics who remained steadfastly aloof from the poetic movements and fashions of his time, Frost was anything but a merely regional or minor poet. The author of searching and often dark meditations on universal themes, he was a quintessentially modern poet in his adherence to language as it is actually spoken, in the psychological complexity of his portraits, and in the degree to which his work was infused with layers of ambiguity and irony:

Going for Water

by Robert Frost

The well was dry beside the door,
And so we went with pail and can
Across the fields behind the house
To seek the brook if still it ran;

Not loth to have excuse to go,
Because the autumn eve was fair
(Though chill), because the fields were ours,
And by the brook our woods were there.

We ran as if to meet the moon
That slowly dawned behind the trees,
The barren boughs without the leaves,
Without the birds, without the breeze.

But once within the wood, we paused
Like gnomes that hid us from the moon,
Ready to run to hiding new
With laughter when she found us soon.

Each laid on other a staying hand
To listen ere we dared to look,
And in the hush we joined to make
We heard, we knew we heard the brook.

A note as from a single place,
A slender tinkling fall that made
Now drops that floated on the pool
Like pearls, and now a silver blade.

But my favourite poem by Robert Frost is still the one that is the most instructive; it has been used by many life guides like the 7 Habits of Effective Teens.

It is:

The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
(The poem is called The Road Not Taken, and it is by Robert Frost,
it is NOT The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Monday 29 June 2009 Lesson 1


I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud Lonely as a cloud has an 'as', so it is a simile.
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils; This is a metaphor as it is describing the daffodils.
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Daffodils don't dance. Exaggeration.

Continuous as the stars that shine This has an 'as', so it's a simile.
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line Lines have two ends.
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance, How does he count them so fast?
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. Daffodils don't have heads, so it is personification.

The waves beside them danced, but they Ummm.... waves can't dance, personification.
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company! Personification.
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought: The daffodils don't give him any money.

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils. The daffodils are a symbol for his inspiration.

Why I like this poem
This poem talks about how the author stumbles upon a large field of daffodils while wandering around as aimlessly and randomly as a cloud. The author also uses a lot of descriptive writing.
The writer is also very good at writing and expressing emotions and stuff like that. The poet also uses a very interesting rhyming method: ABABCC which makes the poem sound very rhythmic and also makes it sound almost musical, if it had a tune. The words also make images come to the front of your mind and makes it like watching a movie.

Sunday 24 May 2009

Lit Assignment T2W9

Q: "Teenagers should not be allowed to play online games." Comment.

A: I think that teenagers SHOULD be allowed to computer games, but not to excess.

Reason 1: Health.
Computer games allow us to have better hand-eye co-ordination, thus letting us improve in our lives. Research has shown that children who played computer games scored 38% higher in a test which they were supposed to press a button in accordance to what they saw on a screen, than children who did not play computer games. They were also 22% faster, showing that computer games improve our reaction time as well.

Reason 2: Economy.
If teenagers were not allowed to play computer games, the video game industry would drop sharply. Evidence: Go to any arcade (apart from Chinatown Arcade) and count how many youngsters are there as compared to older people. Chances are, the only people above thirty you will see there will be the owners or the employees of the arcade.
If no one (or almost no one) bought the games, the video game industry would fall sharply and there would be a loss of jobs globally. Without those jobs, the people would not be able to spend in basic necessities and in the worst case, it might lead to a global recession, if accompanied by a already-existing recession and a pandemic (H1N1) so there.

Two reasons are enough, for now. Of you want some more, just ask politely in the comments and I will update this post with another bunch of reasons, ranging from 1 more to 300 million.

Thank you for your kind attention. Accessories sold separately, batteries not included.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Are You Game? Literature Assignment.

A: When I was in Primary 4, I started playing a game called Maplestory. At that time, it seemed a very interesting game and as I had little homework it was a great way to spend my time.

I started by creating a Asiasoft Passport then registerd my account and downloaded the game. This took about three hours in total so I got very bored and so played for 5 hours in that boredom. I discovered a world of fantasy, adventure and stupid little snails that you can slaughter 3 in a second after about 4 hours.

I was a Warrior at that time, although I soon discovered that the Mage was better. With the warrior, I trained hard on the most profitable monsters at that time - Red snails! Yes they were WAYWAYWAY too easy but every six hundred or so they would drop an item which I could sell for ten thousand mesos (the currency in the game. ) That came to about 600s times 3 snails a second times 10 000 mesos - which was quite a lot. I scrimped and saved and finally I bought myself the best armor and weapons sold for my level.

After seven months or so, I discovered that a mage (aka magician ) a third my level could kill monsters twice as powerful and twice as fast! So I restarted and made a 'pure' mage, which was one that would spend a lot of time slowly getting exp and would cost about 6 000 000 mesos to get to level 30, because of the need to buy potions, equipment, armour, transport, 'mercenaries' for the party for easier experience and so on. But once it got to level 30, it would be leveling up at an incredible speed.

Of course I had to raise that 6 000 000 mesos. So I got all the spare cash that my warrior, now level 83, had and funded my mage. It was painfully slow and it cost 18 million mesos, not 6 000 000 but it was worth it. The mage's level increased by leaps and bounds and it passed the 2nd job requirement with ease and became a Ice - Lightning mage, and at level 39 could do damage which was eight times as much as my level 92 warrior, and attacked six times as fast, because the ice lightning mage had an attack which could attack up to 6 monsters at once.

By this time I was addicted but I didn't know it. I felt that I could stop playing for 8 hours a day.
I began neglecting my studies and my grades dropped.
I only realised this when all my subjects got a U grade at once.
I stopped playing games and studied hard and left my level 172 Ice Lightning guy alone in the computer for a long long while while I spent the next 6 months studying for my PSLE. In the end I managed to get to HCI and I tried playing again. But Maple had lost its fun as I had not been playing for 6 months and thus I had lost my experience and so I died for the first time in 264 levels. Imagine! A guy who beat the Zakum(A boss who takes 6 people to kill normally) by himself and one cleric and a tanker warrior to absorb damage, died at the hands of a stupid Jr Balrog! How embarrassing. Since, I have leveled up once but now, most of the time, my character is molding away slowly in some hard drive in Asiasoft, and is probably never coming out again.

(This story is based on a true story but some details have been changed to make the story more interesting. And don't ask me for the account name or the character name, im not telling you. )

Friday 10 April 2009

Lit assignment 10 Version 3

Q: Imagine the chaotic scene of the aftermath of a natural disaster. How would it be like? In what ways could a natural disaster affect a country and its citizens? Describe such an imaginary scenario. You can be as creative as possible on the possible impact.

(As creative as possible eh? They asked for it.)

Dr Famous's diary
9/5/2955 Monday
(Otherwise known as Disaster day -2)

Today was absolutely normal. My friend, Dr Not-So-Famous-But-Still-Quite-Famous has invented a new device that can detect earthquakes 2 months in advance! I have persuaded him to include my name in the patent and soon we will be rich! All the countries will want one! And we're not going to sell it cheap. It's going to cost them ten billion US dollars. But hey, it's going to save them a lot more than that! Especially since now the world population has increased slightly to seven hundred billion people. I still remember when I was in primary school and they told us that in the year about 2010 that the world population was about one percent of the current! And also, humans lived for seventy years! I wonder how they even managed to get anything done without living for 150 years... And also, the tallest building was the Burj Dubai was a mere 818 metres! Pfft! My house is bigger than that. Anyway, my brain is tired from thinking this out (Can you believe it, last time people actually manually typed this kind of thing out instead if using a mind-synthesiser to think it out! Unbelievable!) so I'll just go to bed now.

Dr Famous's diary
10/5/2995 Tuesday
Disaster day -1

Little bit of trouble today. Today us prestigious scientists noticed that something exploded on Mars today. Must be the Martians up to something strange again, or Olympus Mons (You know, that huge volcano on Mars that was thought extinct until the attempted Mars colonisation in 2519. Then the human probe was destroyed by a little puff of martian lava. Ow. ) acting up again. It would be quite bad, you know, what with almost five hundred million years of pressure exploding out of that thing. The martians look quite cute, you know, with their little red-heads and their tentacles and all those exotic diseases they have back on their planet... Yuck. Oh well. We just have to make sure we aren't hit by any of the debris of that explosion. Or the bullet of that shot, if it was a shot and not an eruption. The Martians are going to get it if they start sending those little capsules along containing some Martians and try to invade us again! (For the full story read War Of The Worlds, that true story written by George H. G. Wells oh so long ago. What, the nineteenth century? At least now we're more prepared. Heat rays for goodness sake. How useless. ) At any rate, if the things are going to hit us it will hit tomorrow. Not that there's much chance of that happening, I mean how unlucky can we get? We've escaped bigger meteorites than this. And Dr Not-So-Famous-But-Still-Quite-Famous's earthquake sensor thing is going crazy but there is no plate movement. Not at all. Must be something wrong with the stupid program. Remind me to make sure he eliminates that bug before I eliminate him.

Dr Famous's diary

11/5/2009 Wednesday

Disaster day 0

The meteorite has hit us. There was no glitch in Dr Not-So-Famous-But-Still-Quite-Famous's earthquake sensor thing. It was working perfectly alright, if not better than ever expected. It was a warning of what was going to happen, and we were too ignorant to notice it. The meteorite was not launched by the Martians, in fact, it has almost wiped them out. And us too, perhaps, if we do not act quickly. And, the meteorite is the biggest ever recorded! It is made up of a quarter of Mars as the planet was split in half due to the half a billion years of pressure from the volcano build-up. This has actually happened before long ago in about ten billion BC, although not this bad, even if it did cause the Valles Marineris Canyon (The largest canyon in the 3 solar systems: the Home, the Einsteinus and the Scooby-Doo) and the largest impact crater in the northern hemisphere of Mars was also caused by this. The material from the crater was blasted into space and it was broken into eight parts: One, the largest, hit the Earth, and kicked up all that rock that created the moon, and that is why moon soil is not the same as Earth soil. Luckily the the rock from Mars replenished the stuff that was thrown up into space, and that's where we got uranium. It was spread all over the world due to the Pangaea movement, but as you can see in some places there is a serious lot of that stuff like Northern CK (The Combined Korea), previously known as North Korea when Kim Jong Bee launched the forty nuclear bombs all over the world in 2032. The DA (Democrat America) led by Carack Obama, also known as US, used mega-electro-magneti-kineti-synthesiser-powered redirectors and focusers to trap and focus the blast right back onto Kim Jong Bee's doorstep and eradicated the Northern CK completely. Now, the country is recovering thanks to Southern CK helping with the recovery effort.

Anyway, a few million years later, after the new moon was settled, one more big debris piece hit the moon and made the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the moon and made it spin so funnily with only one side facing the earth at any one time. It isn't moving exactly the same but there has been a shift of about twenty kilometres since 1955.

Now I'll just enter the details down below in the space just in case I ever forget this moment.

0314 Meteorite enters earth atmosphere, having travelled at approximately 1/8 light speed.

0315 Meteorite hits earth at -3 Greenwich and 22 degrees north of equator in Atlantic ocean. Heats water to about 9000 degrees Kelvin.

0316-0437 Earthquake of 9.4872 on Richter scale over north and south DA and over Afrosia(Previously known as Africa).

0458 Tidal wave over Afrosia, both DA continents and ゅろぱ ,Yuropa (Previously known as Europe before Japanese took over Yuropa.

Dr Famous's Diary

12/5/2955 Thursday

Disaster day +1

Okay. The world is recovering from this incredible tragedy. The southern DA has been almost completely obliterated by the tidal tsunamis and the earthquakes. And when you add the fact that the tsunamis are boiling hot and the water around it has broken the boiling point and changed from liquid directly into plasma and mixed with the water and caused superheated liquid tsunamis, you can imagine the devastation. Everything reduced to strips of metal or charred and dripping wood, melted and hissing plastic sheets covering the remains of towering sky-cities, previously hovering aircraft lying on the ground smouldering, the anti-matter batteries exploding everywhere... Terrible! I wish I could do something to help. I think I will try to organise help and stuff for the victims in the DA kingdom and maybe travel there myself and help them. I think this may cause a global recession because of the lack of food and natural resources and things like that. Also Yuropa may need some help as Spain and Paris are now submerged and also, now water levels all over the world has increased by more than 7.5 metres! That gives an idea on how big the meteorite is.

The results of the destruction is shown below,

People are homeless because the sky-cities(Previously known as skyscrapers)have been destroyed and melted.

People have no money to buy things because those that survived (less than 0.075%) are hardly breadwinners and also they did not have any warning of the quake and so did not have any time to gather belongings.

People are falling ill all of a sudden. This may be due to the fact that everything is wet and due to the original 'splashdown' there was a lot of evaporated water and so now it is raining very heavily over the affected areas. Also, there was recently a flu epidemic and anyway there are no doctors open right now. All are either dead or injured or their facilities and resources have been destroyed.

People are in trauma as the survival rate has been very low and there are barely any people who survived without any major injuries. Even two broken arms is considered very lucky indeed.

Dr Famous's Diary

13/5/2955 Friday

Disaster day +2

Today is the Friday the thirteenth. Friday the thirteenth indeed. The unearthly unlucky day. Very, very unlucky, for the entire mankind.

Remember yesterday? When I said that many people were falling sick due to the humidity? Because of the recent epidemic?

That wasn't very accurate, after all.

Now we know the truth. The inconvenient truth. As made famous by El Gore so long ago.

The Disease is from Mars. When the meteorite came down the virus was released from the outer 'skin layer' of the meteorite. To humans, it is like a normal flu virus in the start. The start. Which is the first day only. Now, survivors of the first disaster are now dead and dying of this terrible disease. This disease will give the victim one Martian day(24.622 hours) to spread the disease then it will kill the victim by rapid brain hemorrhage. The worst thing is, every breath the victim breathes out is infected with the virus! The virus is an unknown type, never seen before as evolution had obviously taken a different path on Mars. No antibiotic works. The virus reproduces by releasing its weight of spores out into the air every second. Each virus cell produces ten thousand spores a second. And the spores take ten seconds to grow to full size and start reproducing too. And once the bug has attached itself to that wisp of air, it never lets go but instead of becoming diluted it just increases in size by spreading the virus to another lot of air. And once a human breathes in that gas, it's over.

How to stop it? We humans are clueless. Absolutely clueless. We would have tried to ask the martians if not for that confounded Martian volcano blowing up again and now all the Martians are dead and another bit of Mars is coming this way again! And since the first impact, the Earth's orbit has been greatly affected so we cannot tell if our planet is going to be hit. Most likely not. We should have altered the martian rock from hitting Earth in the first place. We have to thank the politicians for that. Those politicians are hoarding their already enormous funds for the next election while not doing anyhing about the crisis! They think that they are not affected yet by the virus! Huh! They'll get it first.

Dr Famous's Diary

14/5/2955 Saturday

Disaster Day +3

Today is the worst day of my life. So far, more than 500,000 people have died from this confounded virus and more than 10 times of that are suspected to have the disease! And more are getting infected by the second! Also, we have discovered by running simulations that the martians were the ones who caused this atrocious catastrophy. From the remains of the meteorite and the satellite images and material scans and carbon dating, we have run a simulation and discovered that the martians had blocked up the Olympus Mons crater for more than half a billion years. Why they did this is still a mystery. It is a known fact, however, that the martians lived underground, so according to our hypothesis, we think that half a billion years ago, Olympus Mons was erupting and pouring out the lava like a lava fountain, there were many cases of the lava sealing up the entrances of their homes and so a lot of martians died. To counteract this, the martians decided to let their race live for another 500 million years instead of dying straightaway. (At that time there was no SupaFreez to freeze up the lava. And when SupaFreez was invented about 69.4 million years later, the martians feared that the pressure had already become too great to open up the blocker. And sure enough, they tried. That resulted in the a big explosion, and thus carved the Valles Marineris Canyon and that large impact crater in the northern hemisphere. Thus, it made our current moon. The Martians probably didn't dare to try it again. The SupaFreez also did not work that time as the lava overflowed and re-melted the SupaFreezed lava and a few martians too.
Dr Famous's Diary
15/5/2955 Sunday
Disaster day +4
The disease is taking its toll now. A third of the population has been killed and the rest are confirmed to have the disease. There is no chance that anyone will survive, unless there is some miracle.
Anyway, I'm going to make this short: I've caught the disease. Two hours ago, I started having a slight fever and so on. Flu symptoms. Uh oh. Not good at all. So I have an estimated 22.622 hours left.
I'm not sure if this virus has a cure. We have checked the martian medical record ebook and discovered that this disease also was a plague to them. Apparently, Even after you catch it, you can catch it again. The virus mutates a lot. Oh well. Not much else to say. No much of a mood.
Anyway, I think I'll go to McDonald's. Very unhealthy, but who cares about unhealthy if you have 22 hours to live? Not me, that's for sure. I think I'll organise a party at McDonald's. See you there.
Dr Famous's Diary
Disaster day +5

Sunday 8 March 2009

Lit Assignment 8

In my country (Singapore), many people think that the females are underprivileged. They keep going on and on about the what no jobs, no freedom, no whatever blahblahblah. But in this post, I am going to explain this thing from my point of view.

Nowadays, most women say them doing housework is so not fair, very hard you know! And all that rubbish. Uhhh... very hard right? Why not go and switch places with your husband and lets see how you like it.

Okay. I'll give a run-down on what the daily schedule of most people:

Female: wake up at 8. Brush teeth. Clean the house. Cook or buy from downstairs. Clean a bit more. Snack. Go to the spa for some slimming trash. Eat after you come home. Make a quick dinner. Sleep.

Male: Wake up at 5 am. Quickly brush teeth, get a car, and go to work. Get the briefing for today. Get to your cubicle as fast as you can. Workworkwork. Have a really fast sandwich for lunch. Rushrushrush. Workworkwork. Hand up the project and cost estimates and the like. Run back to your cubicle. Write a report. Hand it up, while mentally calculating the work costs and balancing the risk of marketing in an open market and whatever. Go back home drained at 8 pm. eat the dinner. Sleep and get ready for another round TOMORROW!

(That is just a very small example. I may have missed out a few things though. )

Also, some women complain that cleaning the house is very dirty, yuck, got lizard sh** all over the place...bed so hard...stuff so heavy...go market must go there half a km you know!! Come back also have to carry 5kg of stuff. Haiyah, so hard. For five days in a row and only got two days break!!

Take a look at our NS, for example...Everyday do pushups, chinups, march and drill in the sun, sleep on really uncomfortable beds, toilet is dirtier than the garbage bin, everyday must polish everything until it is shiny, then the next day dirty everything again because of that 30km trek through the big fat muddy dark wild overgrown scary dirty and just plain horrible forest carrying a 15 kg bag for 24 hours. For 2 and a half years you know!! No break okay!

On average, most women have 3 pairs of leather high-heeled shoes, two pairs of slippers, two pairs of absolutely unused running shoes and countless socks. They also carry an $8000 dollar handbag with a $5500 wallet containing about $12.50. They also splurge on the latest fashion and attend 'birthday parties' or whatever excuse they can think of to go to the restaurant and go and eat the caviar that they actually don't like.

On average, men have one pair of work shoes, one half bottle of polish left over from NS, one pair of slippers and maybe one pair of sandals. They carry a $50 dollar synthetic leather bag to work, where they earn $2000 a month. They use every excuse they can think of to avoid going to restaurants to save money.

Furthermore, when a couple divorces, usually due to the wife spending too much and not doing anything but spend, spend, spend, the husband still has to give half the pay to the wife, who can now go and live the rest of her life in comfort without doing anything.

I think that a rule should be passed to make women less lazy and make them save a bit more, and that when a couple divorces they just divorce and there is no penalty or whatever.

Whew! 608 words.

Edit: Oh.....not to forget....

The international Women's day was created in 1909(today) and is celebrated all over the world. The International MEN'S DAY was created in 1999 and it is only celebrated in TRINIDAD(wherever that is). Is that unfair or what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Whew again! 659 words! Far past the minimum.

Sunday 1 March 2009

Alternative Ending to Nothing But The Truth Part 1

Miss Narwin: I'm...I'm calling from the airport now. I'm going to Florida. To be with my sister. And her husband.
Mr. Duval: You've resigned, then.
Miss Narwin: Yes, but...give me a moment...there's an announcement regarding my flight...
Mr Duval: Yes? I think - Excuse me, I'm being called...(hangs up)
Miss Narwin: The flight is cancelled! The airport staff refuse to fly me anywhere! Hello? Hello?
8:05 PM Philip Malloy's Diary
I felt horrible today. Got rejected by Washington Academy. Something about not wanting reporters coming in to interview me every other day.
Mother says her sister will let me go to the district school in Conover. Don't feel like it. But I don't think I can stay at Harrison for much longer. All the kids there hate me! They say something about me betraying everyone.
This is the worst day of my life...
From a letter written by Margaret Narwin to her sister, Anita Wigham
...I felt horrible today. The New Hampshire Air Service refused to fly me to Florida. Something about not wanting critics bombing down the plane or something.
Joe Palleni offered me back my job. Don't feel like it. I don't think I can stay at Harrison for much longer. All the staff there hate me! They say something about me betraying everyone.
This is the worst day of my life...
8:25 AM Conversation between Philip Malloy and his parents
Philip Malloy: What's up?
Mrs Malloy: Pack up. We're going to Conover.
Philip Malloy: Conover?
Mrs Malloy: Yes. You are going to Conover to join my sister. We have decided, and this decision is final. No complaining.
Philip Malloy: But -
Mr Malloy: No complaining!
Philip Malloy: But -
Mrs Malloy: No complaining!
8:26 AM Phone Conversation between Margaret Narwin and Anita Wigham
Miss Narwin: Hello? Can I speak to Anita Wigham?
Anita Wigham: Speaking. Is that Peg?
Miss Narwin: Yes. I have a bit of a situation here. I don't have a job! Everyone is sending hate mail! And worst of all, I have no idea what to do! What should I do now?
Anita Wigham: I don't know...
Miss Narwin: I can't go to Florida! The Air service was on strike!
Anita Wigham: I sent me a letter, remember?
Miss Narwin: Yes...
Anita Wigham: I think you should just go back to Harrison. Maybe that, or the Washington Academy.
Miss Narwin: I can't go back to Harrison...And the Washington Academy...I've tried...
Anita Wigham: Any other schools in the district?
Miss Narwin: Yes, but...
Anita Wigham: Try it.
Miss Narwin: OK. I will. Goodbye.
Anita Wigham: Goodbye.

Lit Assignment 7

Q: Describe how people in your country are doing their part to save the environment.
A: People in Singapore are now saving the environment more than previously. Nowadays, due to the economical crisis, people from Singapore are more likely to try and save the environment, by recycling. Because recycling saves money, more and more people are recycling. Some reuse plastic bags, some use cheaper alternatives, and so on.
Also, the government is trying to promote recycling. As recycling means less work for everyone, the government is trying to promote this now so that in the future we would be able to recycle without there being a economical crisis.

Friday 20 February 2009

Lit assignment 6

Q: you are an Indian politician who is very much against the sale of organs illegally, especially toward the unscrupulous doctors who removed peoples organs without their consent. you strongly believe that the government plays a important part in ensuring that such criminals are punished, which serves as a severe deterrent. Draft a speech you are going to make at the legislature meeting.

A: Hello. I am an Indian politician from India. I am going to talk about why criminals are supposed to be punished. I think that people who harvest other peoples organs are very evil. Lets say i go to your house, steal your computers and then I run away very fast and the only thing I give you is a lot of broken wires and a big hole in the wall. would you like that??

Government, the fact that you are not doing anything and sitting around there and doing nothing helps so much, thank you. NOT! I think you should implement a law that says anyone who harvests or willingly donated their organs should get a fine and jail for 5 years in solitary.

thank you for listening or reading and have a good day.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Lit Assignment 5

Blog Prompt
Q: you are a student activist for animal preservation. You strongly believe that animals should not be hunted for their body parts as medicinal ingredients. Draft a speech which you are going to make at a public forum on preventing cruelty to animals.

A: Hello! I am a student activist for the preservation of animals. I believe that animals should not be hunted for their body parts as that is very cruel. If I go up to you with a knife when you are in your house minding your own buisness, then I tell you, "Hey, I am going to kill you, then I will cut you up, pull out your intestines and then put you in the freezer so I can eat you later!" then before you reply I stab you and pull out your intestines and whatever. If I did that, it would not be classified as 'hunting for body parts for medicinal ingredients' , it would be classified as MURDER!!
If we can kill so many animals for body parts to use in medicines and the body parts had no medicinal properties at all, why are we killing the animals? They aren't doing anything wrong, they arent killing us, why are we killing them?
So I say, stop killing animals and SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!!!!

Saturday 7 February 2009

Lit. Assignment 4

Blog Prompt:
Q: A recent nationwide survey done in Singapore has revealed that primary school students have a nonchalant attitude towards environmental issues. You are the president of the Activists' Club in Singapore and have been invited to make a speech to educate the young ones to make a difference in their lifestyle and choices.

A: Good morning everybody. I am the president of the Activists' Club of Singapore and today I am going to give you a speech on environmental issues.
You may be thinking, why should I care about the environment, the adults should be taking care of the environment, and we should spend our time learning the ABC and the 123 so next time you will have a job and become rich and all that. OK, listen up. There might not be a next time if you don't act NOW, and after you save the environment you will still have time, enough to learn your ABC and 123 and maybe even 一二三. Are you convinced now?

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Lit Assignment 3

Blog Prompt:
Imagine...As you walk down the street, you glance at your watch. It reads 2.00. Suddenly your stomach grumbles and attracts the attention of a few other people. Looking embarassed, you quickly spy a hawker centre. you immediately dash towards it. you select a stall(Char Kway Teow) and buy a plate of... Char Kway Teow!(What a surprise!) Tasting it, you can feel the tender noodles in your mouth, taste the take a sip. Ahhh...the sweet taste of monosodium glutemate...
BUT... Is this good for you?
If salt destroys your kidneys (which filters your blood of impurities) and monosodium glutemate corrupts your liver(which rids your body of most poisons in small amounts), why are we consuming it???
If spring onion, ginko nut, brocolli, asparagus, and other assorted vegetables are good for you, why does almost no one like it?
If humans like stuff that are poisons to us and shun food that is beneficial, I wonder how our health will be like in 30 years?

Lit Assignment 2

Blog prompt: The XXX company PTE LTD has just invented a new machine to help learning in the classroom! This invention will replace all conventional learning methods and revolutionize learning, and best of all, get rid of the teachers! If you are a teacher, don't woorry, you will still have a job, repairing the machine! The new machine is a hologram projection , which will be shaped like a cylinder. The student will have to step onto the platform before a designated time, then at that time, the hologram will emerge and surround the student. The hologram will act like a computer. there will be internet and word and memory space... just like a computer! To 'click', the user will simply touch the hologram. All users will also have to wear a tag. the tag will measure their heart rate and sweat levels and brain activities. This is to monitor if the student is thinking properly. If the brain activity increases along with information that the student has just opened a test file, it will be documented as normal. If the sensor leaves the range of the hologram, the student will be documented as 'Escaped' so an alarm will sound.

Saturday 17 January 2009

News clip #2: Geo-Park Tours.

Q: As the chairman of the Farmer's Co-operative in Jiangsu, you want to create awareness of the hardships the farmers are experiencing due to the reforestation/conservation project by the officials. Prepare a speech you are going to make during the governor's annual "Meet the People" session about the farmer's hardship.

A: Dear Governor: the reforestation/conservation project is a good idea. but have you considered that us farmers are using this land to grow crops to sell? Without this land, we cannot grow crops, cannot make money, so we cannot pay taxes. Without this tax you cannot continue this reforestation/conservation project. Not to mention that you did not give us any compensation for the land.

Also, do you know that the crops we grow also make up a bit of China's economy? Without crops there will be no food. Without food there will be a food crisis. If there is a food crisis and an economic crisis and a money crisis at the same time-that would be a big problem.

Furthermore, the crops on our land are also plants. They also take in CO2 and give out O2. It is equal to or better than the same land being used for growing trees!
Thank you. I sincerely hope that you act fast and return us the land before more damage is done.

Wednesday 14 January 2009


Here is a joke:

There was a new construction site near my house and there were a whole lot of steamrollers there. Some safety-conscious guy printed a sign saying: Danger! Please do not enter. Violators will be squished.

Hope you like it!

Please vote. Click Funny if it is funny and BOO if it is not good.

Sunday 11 January 2009

My first post(over here, at any rate...)

Hello! I am Chik Cheng Jie, (for those who understand) 1P3 ,RG NO 6.
That's about it for now. I'll post again later. (Comments are moderated, by the way. So don't bother commenting on the title)